Remember Me
Front Wheel Hub 12mm Studs
Complete with Bearing Installed as Shown
Will Fit Most ODES UTV LONG Travel
UTV 800 & 1000 Raider, Ravager, Dominator X2, X4
Has Standard 4 x 110 Bolt Pattern
4 x 137mm Brake Disc Bolt Pattern (#1 to #3)
Front Wheel Hub
Also known as Mounting Seat Front Hub
Complete with 4 Wheel Studs as Shown
*Fits ODES 800-1000 with 10mm Studs*
2011 - 2023ish
Stud Pattern #1 to #3 = 110mm (Known as 4x110)
Disc Bolt Pattern #1 to #3 = 88mm
The 0ld Flywheel of 4.1" and 4.5" Black Plug Flywheel is not in production and not available.
This Grey Plug Rotor for the Gray Plug Flywheel is all that is available.